Friday Night Magic: Commander Masters Preview

Commander Masters Release Draft  
Come join us in our celebration of Commander Masters Draft in which players will be drafting two cards per pack and construct a 60 card commander deck.  then participate in commander open play.

Drafts, by their nature, must begin on time in order to finish in a timely manner. We begin to play 5 minutes after the stated starting time of 6:00. If you are not seated in the tournament room at 6:05, your spot will be forfeited in favor of people on the waitlist.

4:30pm - 5:00pm: In-Store Registration
5:00pm - 6:00pm: Draft and Deck Construction
8:00pm - 9:00pm: Open Play 
Entry Fee: $45
Experience Level:  Intermediate (This is a competitive event and understanding drafting and how to draft is critical.)

Prize Structure
Every 20min we will be checking on board state leader of each board state at that time earns a booster pack of Commander Masters 


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