Adult Class Cooking Hands on Demonstration Baking/pastry Culinary

Fruits 1: Celebrating Strawberries -- Sweet and Savory

In this 1.5 hour class, you will understand the range of strawberry possibilities including pickling, curds, creams, and cakes. All strawberries will be fresh from Chocolates and Tomatoes Farm where we use no chemicals in growing our plants.

  • Chef Mark will describe how we grow strawberry plants here and why he selected these varieties for Chocolates and Tomatoes Farm.
  • As he demonstrates 3-4 recipes, he will provide you with ingredients and materials lists, show you techniques for getting your cakes the right consistency, making the creamiest curds, getting just the right pickle, and maximizing your strawberry flavor. 
  • You will get to taste the raw strawberries and the demonstration recipes.
  • You will get to participate in some recipe preparation, take home 4 recipes, and samples from the class demonstrations. 

No cooking experience necessary (Level 1 class).

We will have hot coffee and tea, and cold water available, Feel free to bring nonalcoholic beverages with you. 


Chocolates and Tomatoes

Chocolates and Tomatoes

7957 Hollow Road , Middletown

Chocolates and Tomatoes

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