Hypnotherapist ~ Reiki Master Guided Meditation ~ Life Coach Shantell has been coaching and mentoring adults and teens for almost 20 years. Shantell’s strong spiritual connection and desire to help people led her to Hypnotherapy and Reiki Healing. Offering several modalities, Shantell is able to treat the whole person: the physical body, the mind…
Hypnotherapist ~ Reiki Master Guided Meditation ~ Life Coach Shantell has been coaching and mentoring adults and teens for almost 20 years. Shantell’s strong spiritual connection and desire to help people led her to Hypnotherapy and Reiki Healing. Offering several modalities, Shantell is able to treat the whole person: the physical body, the mind, and the spirit. Reiki is a form of spiritual healing utilizing universal life energy, which is administered through a technique called hands-on-healing. It is intended to normalize and strengthen the vital energy within the body, which leads to healing. That energy, which is guided by a higher power, is then channeled through Shantell, to the client. She is also very excited to assist clients using hypnosis. Hypnosis is a safe, effective and easy method that produces long term success. All that is required for success is light hypnosis, an open mind, and the belief that it works. Hypnosis can be recognized as therapy. It can assist you in stress relief, relaxation and other personal goals. Shantell can even hypnotize you to visit previous lives! Take an opportunity to experience the power of Hypnosis and its benefits.
Karma and Coconuts, LLC
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Private Sessions
1112 Southeast 47th Terrace
, Cape Coral
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