Saturday Painting Sessions

Once a month, we will explore three foundational concepts essential to creating a solid painting: composition, color, and value. Each workshop will focus on one of the subjects that  Wendy loves to paint. She will share her process and insights to help you develop your painting skills and feel confidence in your ability to create a piece you’ll love. This workshop is for advanced beginners and intermediate painters.  

  • Workshop #1. Clouds -  We'll stretch our visual muscles to see the subtle differences within the grays and the shadows of the clouds using a limited color palette . We will also learn to see how to create distance and perspective through the shapes and sizes of each cloud. 
  • Workshop #2. Hay bales- We love the season of haying time here in Montana. Hay bales are  like beautiful sculptures full of color and light created by the farmer. We will study the cylindrical shapes and learn how to give them solidity through light and the direction of our  brush strokes. We will also play with the rich earthy colors of this time of year.  You will finish with a vibrant, warm, and exciting painting filled with color and depth. 
  • Workshop #3. Animals- Living in Montana gifts us with seeing the beauty of many animals. You can choose from one of three different animals to paint. We will concentrate on painting their faces, building the painting by sketching the shapes within the structure of the face; then we'll paint the shapes of the light and shadows that create the animal's expression, especially in their eyes. You will learn to see animals differently and you will paint them with more skill and insight and enjoy a strong painting that you'll be proud of. 
  • Workshop #4. Abstracts- Have you ever wanted to have an abstract piece for your home  that works with the colors of your decor?  We will explore the freedom of this genre of art. Working with a limited palette, we will concentrate on color and design to create a beautiful composition. We'll experiment with different tools. You'll feel freedom of expression the joy of making a piece that comes from your heart that gives you great satisfaction.  
  • Workshop 5- To be decided 
  • 10:00am-2:00pm with lunch provided in between.

Sign up for one session of your choice, or sign up for three or more. 

Wendy will give you a list of supplies you should bring upon registration.  #art


Wendy Marquis Art

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Wendy Marquis Art

1415 Baldy Mountain Lane , Belgrade

Wendy Marquis Art

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