Adult Class Hands on Demonstration Baking/pastry Culinary adventure

Sweets 1: Making Caramels, Toffees, and Gummies

In this 1.5 hour class, you will learn about sugar science and how to make a variety of caramels, toffees, and gummy candies.   

  •  Chef Mark will teach you about the science of sugar, including the different types of treats you can make at different temperatures.
  • Chef Mark will demonstrate how to make different flavors of caramel (including salted caramel), when to add other ingredients to your caramel, and how to make vegan and vegetarian versions of gummies.
  • You will get to try out making 2-3 confections, take home what you make, and take home all recipes covered in class.

No sugar or cooking experience necessary (Level 1 class).

We will have hot coffee and tea, and cold water available, but feel free to bring other nonalcoholic beverages with you. 


Chocolates and Tomatoes

Chocolates and Tomatoes

7957 Hollow Road , Middletown

Chocolates and Tomatoes

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