Adult Class Cooking Hands on Demonstration Vegetarian Culinary adventure

Veggies 1: Cooking with Winter Squash

In this 1.5 hour class, learn about the textures of, flavor pairings for, and how to prepare at least four different types of winter squash (butternut, acorn, delicata, and spaghetti), and perhaps some other varieties – all grown on the farm.

  •  Chef Mark will describe how we grow these winter squash, and why he selected these varieties for Chocolates and Tomatoes Farm. He will talk about how to select a “good” winter squash. 
  • As he demonstrates the recipes and cooking techniques, he will talk about the nutritional value of squash, and discuss how to maintain the nutrition as you prepare them.
  • You will get to taste each of the 3-4 demonstration recipes.
  • You will get to participate in some recipe prep, take home 3-4 recipes, and samples from the class demonstrations. 

No cooking experience necessary (Level 1 class).

We will have hot coffee and tea, and cold water available, Feel free to bring nonalcoholic beverages with you. 


Chocolates and Tomatoes

Chocolates and Tomatoes

7957 Hollow Road , Middletown

Chocolates and Tomatoes

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