Ceramic Painting

Moth Wing Studio
325 S Calumet Rd, Chesterton, IN 46304


Reserve a table for CERAMIC PAINTING!   Please read the information below before booking!  

Please include painters and non-painters in your reservation.  Everyone in your group will need a seat to sit in regardless of if they are doing a project or not!   If you have more people in your group than what you reserved your table for we may not be able

Select which day you would like to reserve

Customer Info-

Pick a table!

Please include non painters in your total number of people in your group too.

Please note that if you bring more people than what you stated below are attending we may not be able to accommodate you and your group.

Cancellation/Late Policy

Cancellation Policy- Due to limited seating, we ask that you cancel at least 48 hours before your scheduled reservation. This gives us the opportunity to fill the reservation slot. You may cancel by phone or by e-mail, emily@mothwingstudio.com. Late Policy- If you are more than 15 minutes late to your reservation, that will lead to your reservation potentially being cancelled. If you are going to be late please call us! *Please note that your 2 hour reservation window starts at the time your reservation was scheduled for, not at the time you arrive. Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early for your reservation.

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