Step into the magical world of Narnia with our live performance of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe! Adapted from the beloved novel by C.S. Lewis, this enchanting tale follows the adventures of four siblings who discover a mysterious wardrobe that leads to a land frozen in an eternal winter by the wicked White Witch.
Join Lucy, Edmund, Susan…
Step into the magical world of Narnia with our live performance of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe! Adapted from the beloved novel by C.S. Lewis, this enchanting tale follows the adventures of four siblings who discover a mysterious wardrobe that leads to a land frozen in an eternal winter by the wicked White Witch.
Join Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter as they embark on a thrilling journey filled with mythical creatures, epic battles, and a heroic quest to free Narnia with the help of the noble lion, Aslan. This timeless story of courage, friendship, and the triumph of good over evil is brought to life with stunning visuals, captivating performances, and a heartwarming message that will resonate with audiences of all ages.
Get your tickets now and join us in Narnia!
Your tickets are digital! Please just show your email confirmation at the box. No physical tickets are sent or needed.
Show runs
Sept 19, 7:30pm
Sept 20, 11am
Sept 21, 3pm
Sept 26, 7:30pm
Sept 27, 11am
Sept 28, 3pm
Tickets: $20 adults $18 seniors $6 students