Creative Play - Theatre Set Design


Joyful Art Studio
Vacaville, CA

A artistic collaboration with Starbound Theatre. Students with learn to design and create their own theatre set. For this session they will be creating the theatre and stage props needed for the mask making class to perform. Using the theme created by the mask making class, students will design and build all needed set elements for the show on the…

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(Max of 12)

Cancellation and Refund Policy

Due to limited seating, we request that you cancel at least 48 hours before a scheduled class. This gives us the opportunity to fill the class. You may cancel by phone or online here. If you have to cancel your class, we offer you a credit to your account if you cancel before the 48 hours, but do not offer refunds. You may use these credits towards any future class. However, if you do not cancel prior to the 48 hours, you will lose the payment for the class.

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