One of our By Kids, For Kids productions, the Hilliard Arts Council presents Matilda, Jr., a musical adaptation of Roald Dahl's beloved story. This production follows the extraordinary journey of Matilda, a brilliant young girl with a vivid imagination and incredible powers, as she navigates a world of troublesome adults and discovers her true…
One of our By Kids, For Kids productions, the Hilliard Arts Council presents Matilda, Jr., a musical adaptation of Roald Dahl's beloved story. This production follows the extraordinary journey of Matilda, a brilliant young girl with a vivid imagination and incredible powers, as she navigates a world of troublesome adults and discovers her true potential.
Packed with lively music, heartwarming moments, and plenty of humor, Matilda, Jr. is a must-see for audiences of all ages. Witness the courage and resilience of Matilda as she stands up to the tyrannical Miss Trunchbull and brings hope and change to those around her.
Join us for a magical experience that celebrates the power of imagination, the importance of standing up for what's right, and the joy of embracing your unique gifts.
Your tickets are digital! Please just show your email confirmation at the box. No physical tickets are sent or needed.
Show runs
Mar 7, 7:30pm
Mar 8, 11am
Mar 9, 3pm
Mar 14, 7:30pm
Mar 15, 11am
Mar 16, 3pm
Tickets: $20 adults $18 seniors $6 students
MATILDA - Ellie Jones (understudy: Ellie Wulfhorst)
TRUNCHBULL - Kaden Shafer (understudy: Gillian Anthony)
MISS HONEY - Lina Bachmann
MR WORMWOOD - Jackson Tolman
MRS WORMWOOD - Carmella Piunno*
MICHAEL - Will Lytle*
MRS PHELPS - Isla Ball
BRUCE - Parker Vana
LAVENDER - Ceci Hughes
NIGEL - Caden Trueblood
ERIC - Phoebe Holt
TOMMY - Josh Ringer
AMANDA - Ellie Wulfhorst
ALICE - Mackenzie Rueber
HORTENSIA - Suzie Carlson
ACROBAT - Avery Andruzis*
COOK - Shawni Weibel*
MECHANIC - Taylor Stewart*
RUDOLPHO - Gillian Anthony*
SERGEI - Greta Sanyk*
BIG KID 1 - Jocelyn Rivers*
BIG KID 2 - Noelle Mulvaney*
BIG KID 3 - Riley Faulkner*
Eleanora Comer
Vivienne Matthews
Riley Faulkner
Jocelyn Rivers
Frankie Taylor
Noelle Mulvaney
Kinsley Mulvaney
Shawni Weibel
Avery Andruzis
Taylor Stewart
Jack Byler
Carmella Piunno
Will Lytle
Gillian Anthony
Greta Sanyk
*Character and Big Kid/Ensemble