Transition to Tech Meetup

Join Tech Talent South this week for Tech Tribe @ Columbus Idea Foundry. We will be talking about why everyone benefits from learning a bit about code. What even is code? 

Whether you have worked in communications, PR, marketing and design or you've worked in education, healthcare, accounting, HR and operations....Industry is changing. 

No longer is any industry outside of tech. As industry has changed, so too have jobs. 

Come learn some code basics and hear about how code can extend your career and keep you relevant for the future! Transition to Tech Tribe and join a community of learners. 

Bring your computer or device and follow along as we sample bite-size hands-on introductory how-to's in tech or just follow along on the screen, sketch or hear what the future of work holds.


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421 W State St, Columbus Idea Foundry , Columbus , OH

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