This unique Bird tangle will be yours to hang and treasure or gift to a lucky recipient. Our workshop facilitator, Debbie, will guide you through the step by step process in order for you to achieve maximum success in creating this little! bird! You will walk away from this workshop not only with a magnificent piece of art, but also with a heart…
This unique Bird tangle will be yours to hang and treasure or gift to a lucky recipient. Our workshop facilitator, Debbie, will guide you through the step by step process in order for you to achieve maximum success in creating this little! bird! You will walk away from this workshop not only with a magnificent piece of art, but also with a heart full know that you have benefited the very amazing charitable organization called The Healing Chickadee which helps children through the grief process. All proceeds from this workshop will be donated to this charitable organization.
Our Workshop Facilitator, Debbie is one of the most gentle and kind spirits that we have come across in a very long while. Imagine a blank tile and a few easily learned stokes of a marker, pencil, smudger, and paper. The Zentangle method is an easy to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns, these patterns are called "tangles" and are drawn on pieces of paper called tiles. Zentangle is a form of self-help art therapy practice to enhanced relaxation and focus. People practicing Zentangle have found that it has increased self-confidence, relieved stress, improved hand-eye coordination, nurtured and developed creativity and the list goes on and on. Come and join Debbie as she leads you through this amazingly calming technique.