Looking for something fun to do with your special someone?
Join us to create a set of Mid Mod themed “partner” mugs.
The sticker stencil features Mid Mod design elements and your choice of “Mine-Yours”, “Mr.-Mrs”, and “Let it Snow-Let it Snow” wording. Instruction is pre-recorded so you and your partner can do the project from the comfort of your…
Looking for something fun to do with your special someone?
Join us to create a set of Mid Mod themed “partner” mugs.
The sticker stencil features Mid Mod design elements and your choice of “Mine-Yours”, “Mr.-Mrs”, and “Let it Snow-Let it Snow” wording. Instruction is pre-recorded so you and your partner can do the project from the comfort of your own home.
All paint is water soluble. Clean up is a snap. Mugs are Food Safe and can be placed in the dishwasher after firing.
1. You select your pottery and color preference along your pickup day and time.
2. We'll pack it up with your Mid Mod Mug selection along with your color choice and instructions to create a beautiful masterpiece right at home.
3. Call us when you arrive at the back door for pickup and we'll bring your order to you.
4. Follow along with video:
5. When you are done painting, wrap up your pieces (be sure they're dry) and drop them off at the studio. (Call us if you want us to meet you at the door!)
6. We'll fire your pieces and call you when they are ready for pickup. We'll meet you at the back door when you call us (248-347-6718) upon arrival for your pickup!
The prices listed are all inclusive. No other charges will be due for firing.