Blaster Royale (formerly Nerf Warz) is a ferociously fun time here at Kidz Town! It is geared more toward children ages 4+ years old or older but all are welcome to join in the fun...including adults! And to make sure everyone has fun we supply the shooters that the kids use to make sure it is fair (no bazookas or Nerf N-Strike Elite HyperFire…
Blaster Royale (formerly Nerf Warz) is a ferociously fun time here at Kidz Town! It is geared more toward children ages 4+ years old or older but all are welcome to join in the fun...including adults! And to make sure everyone has fun we supply the shooters that the kids use to make sure it is fair (no bazookas or Nerf N-Strike Elite HyperFire Blasters here, sorry!) We also ask that kids refrain from bringing shooters from home to maintain equality. You, as the party host, can arrive UP TO 15 minutes before start time to set up any food or beverages you may bring. Anything earlier than 15 minutes will result in a charge for additional 30 minutes.
As the kids arrive, it will be free play until all of the guests show up. The kids will then sit on the stage and listen to the rules of Nerf Warz and, once completed, will be given shooters and darts and the Nerf games will begin.
We will take a water/snack break about an hour in (or whenever you choose) for them to eat if you brought food and you can use this time to open gifts if you’d like. (Most people open gifts at home to give the kids time to play). They will then continue play time until 15 mins left, in which time they will collect all stray darts and hand in all equipment.
Younger children that are not participating in the Blaster Royale are welcome to come and will have the space to play as well, but just know that there will be kids running around playing.
What is included in the package:
- Two and a half hours use of Kidz Town and party room.
- At least one Referee (Kidz Town employee).
- Party room will be decorated in your choice of theme decorations (Or Nerf decor as a default).
- Extra 30 minutes is included at no charge for time to eat.
- Plates, cups, napkins, and plastic ware will be provided. All you will have to bring is any food or beverage you'd like.
- Each kid gets shooter, darts, and eye protection to use during the Nerf play. Shooters and darts are returned after the play session is over, but the children get to keep the eye protection along with bag of goodies.
- Each child goes home with a Nerf drawstring bag filled with Nerf gear!
You won't want to miss the fun that is BLASTER ROYALE AT KIDZ TOWN!!!!!